Don’t Stop Until The Job Is Done

So Joshua took the entire land, just as the Lord had directed Moses, and he gave it as an inheritance to Israel according to their tribal divisions. Then the land had rest from war. Joshua 11:23

Yesterday was such a miraculous day with the family! We were getting some important tasks done for our 3 boys and running errands. As we stopped at a certain Office in NJ, it was one Divine Appointment after another.  A precious family of 6 gave their lives to JESUS; a brother who needed a touch from JESUS was in tears rededicating his life to JESUS! We prayed with 5 others in that Office to trust in JESUS and to be encouraged! Then, on the way out, I got to encourage and pray with a very nice police officer! JESUS is amazing and there is much work to be done!

Do you start a job and finish it? Or, do you start something and put it aside to never be complete? Are you moving forward with the dream that GOD has placed in you? Or, are you making excuses about why you haven’t moved forward?


My friend, we live in a world with hurting people all around us. Maybe you are reading this and you’re hurting on the inside. JESUS is not asking you to do more! JESUS wants you to receive from HIS abundance of Grace - so that you can walk in victory and then give out to other people. Our LORD JESUS loves you so much and HE will empower you to make a difference!

Have a great day and God bless you!