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Everything That You Need Is In JESUS!!  

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Colossians 1:17  

One of the great joys that I have in sharing the Good News is knowing that everything that people need is found in JESUS! This weekend was so amazing as there were many precious people who prayed to trust in JESUS and were touched by HIM! There was a young lady who rededicated her life to JESUS and asked for prayer concerning healing. JESUS touched her! There was an older lady that was going through a challenging season and even had suicidal thoughts. JESUS touched her! There was a middle aged woman who was facing challenging times and looking for a Church family. JESUS touched her! There were more young people with so much potential. JESUS touched them! All praise to JESUS!  

There are many needs that people have such as physical, emotional, relationships, materially, healings, etc. However, at the “root” of what they need is all in JESUS! JESUS can provide for every need and lead us in HIS perfect way at all times!  


Pray. Who can you share JESUS with this week? Remember, JESUS is WHO they need and everything that they need is in HIM! JESUS is KING, LORD, SAVIOR, HEALER, PROVIDER, THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD! Be moved with compassion this week and keep on sharing JESUS - by The HOLY SPIRIT!  

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain