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Face Your Fears and Strengthen The Saints

49but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, 50because they all saw him and were terrified. Immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” 51Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed, Mark 6:49-51

I remember one of the first people with whom I shared the Good News of JESUS. When I was working in the Fitness Industry, there was a young man that I was training and helping to improve his health. I had just recently been introduced to sharing the Good News of JESUS. By GOD’s grace, GOD provided the perfect opportunity. I was able to talk with him and then pray with him to trust in JESUS CHRIST to be his LORD and SAVIOR! It was absolutely amazing and JESUS gets all of the praise! Around that time about 11 years ago, JESUS placed a fire on the inside of me that seems like it has gotten stronger every day since. There have been thousands of precious people give their lives to JESUS and many trained on how to share the Gospel! With JESUS for us, the best is yet to come and we believe that another Great Spiritual Awakening will take place.

What are you fearful about? Has any type of fear began to grip your life? Maybe fear of the future, fear of people and opinions, fear of failing, fear of getting into a relationship after being hurt, fear of provision, etc.? As a child of GOD, we are taught throughout the Bible to not fear! Not only that, we are taught to encourage others so that they too may live without fear and have complete faith and trust in JESUS! GOD wants to do a work in you so that HE can do a work through you!

Action Point

Is there any type of fear or anxiety in your life? My encouragement you is to face whatever is producing fear in your life and then exercise the authority that you have in the LORD JESUS CHRIST! Two important questions to ask yourself are: 1. Am I walking in obedience to what I know GOD has revealed and spoken for me to do? 2. Am I exercising the authority I have in JESUS’ NAME over any and every fear? Don’t tolerate the enemy in any area of your life! Rejoice today! GOD will set you free and then work through you to set others free!

Have an amazing day and GOD bless you!