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Fear Will Trap You - Faith In JESUS Will Bring Triumph!  

The fear of man is a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is set securely on high. Proverbs 29:25  

Just recently, I was flying back from Florida. While I’m on the airplane, my heart is burning to see people come to know JESUS! GOD had put one of the flight attendants on my heart. When the plane landed, I went to the back of the plane and talked with her. She was going through a very difficult season and she gave her life to JESUS! Then, since I was one of the last people exiting the plane, I had the Divine opportunity to pray with 3 other flight attendants to trust in JESUS CHRIST! I’m not fearful of what others may think - people desperately need JESUS! And JESUS gets all of the praise!

Are you fearful of what others think about you? Are you fearful to take a step of faith into what GOD has really called you to do? Are you fearful that you may fail? It’s important for us to realize that fear is a demonic trap from the enemy! It’s time for you and I to walk in the authority of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and do what GOD has called us to do! Fear has no authority in the life of a believer unless you allow it.  

Action Point

Meditate on Proverbs 29:25. Pray. In the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, take authority over every fear and command it to leave. Then, whenever any fear tries to attack your mind, keep confessing the WORD of GOD and keep moving forward! Keep speaking! Keep preaching! Keep praying for the sick! Keep moving forward! Do what GOD has called you to do! Demonic fear has no authority in your life!  

JESUS has set you free!

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