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Focus, Focus, Focus!  

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:1-2  

When I’m sharing the Good News of JESUS, I don’t talk to everyone. However, I do my best to follow The HOLY SPIRIT and to focus where HE wants me to go and with whom HE wants me to speak. Yesterday, after working in the Office concerning Ministry, The HOLY SPIRIT led me to 2 different stores for 2 different people. I talked with a man who was very receptive and prayed with him to give his life to JESUS! It was such a powerful encounter! Then, I prayed with a lady who was so touched and asked for prayer for something specific in her life. It was another powerful encounter! JESUS gets all of the glory!  

Are you focused? Or does it feel like you are going many different directions? Do you know clearly what GOD has called you to do? Or do you feel like your life is not making the impact that it should? It is so important that we don’t allow the concerns of this world to overshadow the purposes of GOD for our lives!  


Stop for a moment. Take a step back from everything. Look at the bigger picture. We are called to live for JESUS CHRIST and for souls coming to JESUS! Look at everything that GOD has called you to do as a Mission Field. Whether you are a preacher, a business owner, a stay-at-home mom, a construction worker, etc., JESUS can work through you to share the Good News, to heal the sick, and for people to be brought to JESUS by The HOLY SPIRIT! My friend, remove the distractions. Focus, Focus, and Focus on JESUS, souls, and doing only what The HOLY SPIRIT has instructed you to do!  

Rejoice and have an amazing day!

GOD bless you! Evangelist Tyler Sain