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For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10  

When I’m driving in America, I drive on the right side of the road. If I’m driving in Kenya or India, I drive on the left side of the road. I have to focus and stay in my lane or I could get into a major accident. Today, I went to the car wash and focused on being led by The HOLY SPIRIT to the right people. 3 people prayed to trust in JESUS! All 3 were powerfully touched and had an encounter with JESUS! However, I was focused and JESUS gets all of the praise!  

What has GOD called you to do, specifically? It’s so important that we find out what GOD has called us to do and focus on being led by The HOLY SPIRIT each day. Are you yielding to The HOLY SPIRIT throughout the day?  

Action Point

Have an intentional time of prayer and reading of the Bible. Find out what JESUS has called you to do. If needed, go to a reputable man or woman of GOD with whom you can talk and pray. Don’t criticize other believers or other ministries. Encourage other believers. GOD has gifted you and HE has gifted every believer! Stay in your lane and do only what The HOLY SPIRIT is leading you to do! Stay focused, my friend! JESUS can use you in a miraculous and powerful way!  

GOD bless you abundantly!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

To Partner:

#JESUS #moveforward #souls #revival #spiritualawakening #pray #prayer #thebestisyettocome #nevergiveup #Joy #love #Christian #Christiandad #preach #church #serve #Scripture #trustGod #HOLYSPIRIT #heaven #Gospel #hopeinJESUS #America #Christianfamily #Ministry #verseoftheday #motivation #Christianmotivation #goals