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Focused And Full Of The HOLY SPIRIT  

And they, when they had testified and preached the word of the Lord, returned to Jerusalem, and preached the gospel in many villages of the Samaritans. Acts 8:25  

Sometimes it can be difficult to make a decision between two or multiple good options. However, we don’t simply want something good, we want what is GOD’s best and GOD’s choice! Something that JESUS placed in my heart to do years ago was to share the Good News of JESUS and/or pray with someone every day. So, usually before I start work, I will go out somewhere and share the Gospel and pray with at least one person and sometimes many, as led by the HOLY SPIRIT. Today, before starting Ministry work, I was able to pray with 7 people either for them or with to give their lives to JESUS! It was absolutely amazing and JESUS gets all of the glory! There is a lot of things that I COULD do during this timeframe; however, I want to always be doing what the HOLY SPIRIT has for me to do and walking in GOD’s calling upon my life! I always want to live focused and full of the HOLY SPIRIT!  

Are you facing a season of transition in your life? Do you have to choose between multiple “good” options? Are you focused and able to make decisions as led by the HOLY SPIRIT? Are you walking in GOD’s calling upon your life? As Christians, we have the amazing privilege of being led by the HOLY SPIRIT and walking in GOD’s best for our lives! What a joy and blessing!  

Action Point

Make a decision today to be led by the HOLY SPIRIT all throughout this week. Before searching on Google. Before asking a friend. Before trying to make sense of the decision only logically. Before making only an emotional decision. Ask the HOLY SPIRIT! JESUS is with you always and will give you guidance in every area of your life. Be willing to say yes to whatever GOD tells you to do! Then, go forward today and share the Good News of JESUS with someone! Look for a way to encourage someone today!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#decision #JESUS #HOLYSPIRIT #GOD #souls #revival #renewal #spiritualawakening