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Forget The Negative Past And Move On!  

No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Philippians 3:13-14  

One of our friends lost her purse at a Travel Stop. She got a call from Law Enforcement letting her know that someone had returned it. Since she lives in another State, she asked if we could pick it up from Law Enforcement. My son and I went to pick it up. Four men who were there for another reason prayed to trust in JESUS! Then, as we picked up the purse (with money and cards still in it), 2 other men prayed to trust in JESUS CHRIST! It has been so critical for me over the years to quickly leave behind negatives in the past, so that I can focus on what JESUS has now and in the future! All praise to JESUS!  

Have you been weighed down with past memories? Were you very hurt in the past and the thoughts still come and torment your mind? After talking and praying with so many precious people, one major challenge is moving forward after being hurt in the past. My friend, we have Good News! JESUS can deliver you, can fill you with joy, and can enable you to move forward stronger and better than ever before! HE makes all things New!  


We typically do not remove negative thoughts by trying to avoid them or by pushing them away. We replace negative thoughts by exchanging them for GOD’s thoughts from the WORD of GOD! GOD wants you to forget the negative past! JESUS wants you to focus on who you are in HIM and the Truth that you are becoming more like HIM! Take time today to read and meditate on the Scripture above and on Psalm 23! JESUS is with you and my prayer is that you walk in the fullness of joy and great victory this week! Be a blessing to someone today!  

GOD bless you abundantly!

Evangelist Tyler Sain