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From Asking To Action  

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Acts 3:6  

My about 2-year-old son and I stopped at the store to grab some things. As we do about every morning, we asked God to fill us with His Holy Spirit and to bring only the right people into our lives for this day. We prayed that people would experience Jesus through us. Within about an hour, we were able to pray with about 6 people to give their lives to Jesus and to experience God’s best for their lives. We had to move from asking to action! All praise to Jesus!  

What are some major things that you have been asking God for? What have you been asking God to do through you? Have you been asking Jesus for a miracle or direction in a time of transition? If what you have been asking God lines up with the Word of God, is led by the Holy Spirit, and is with the right motivation - then you should move forward in action expecting God’s best!  

Action Point  

Make a determination in your heart to be a man or woman of action! Don’t simply read the Word, but act upon the Word by being led of the Holy Spirit. Ask yourself these 3 questions: 1. Is what I’m asking for in line with the Word of God? 2. Am I yielded to and following the Holy Spirit? 3. Am I asking with a right and pure motivation? If the answer is yes to all 3 questions, then move forward expecting God’s absolute best in this situation. Rejoice and stay in constant conversation with Jesus!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#spiritualawakening #souls #revival