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From Growing Pains To Great Possibilities  

In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenistic Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. Acts 6:1  

George Whitefield, whom GOD used in a powerful way in the 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings in America, was greatly opposed by many religious authorities in his day. Many times, he would not be allowed to even visit certain churches. However, this opened a huge door to begin preaching Open-Air Crusade style Meetings where multiplied thousands were saved, healed, and set free by the LORD JESUS CHRIST! Martin Luther was greatly opposed by religious authorities in his day. However, this opened a huge door to what is known as the Protestant Reformation. Multiplied millions of people including many people today have been impacted by what the HOLY SPIRIT did through these 2 men. Instead of letting the pain get them down, they took advantage of great possibilities from GOD!  

As the Body of CHRIST grows and people come to know JESUS CHRIST, there can be pains and challenges. However, it’s important that we see people and situations the way GOD sees them! It is critical that we see solutions, rather than problems. It is critical that we see people as who they can become in JESUS CHRIST. And it is critical that the Body of CHRIST does not compete against each other, but work together to see people saved, healed, and baptized with the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire.  

Action Point

Think for a moment about these 2 questions. 1. When you pray, do you pray the problem or do you pray the solution? 2. When you see a brother or sister in CHRIST, do you see all of their flaws or do you see them as who they can become in JESUS CHRIST? Determine today to pray and speak the solutions! Determine today to pray and help others become everything that GOD has made them to be! Encourage and share JESUS with someone today!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#pray #prayer #revival #JESUS #spiritualawakening #souls #nowisthetime