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Title: From Guilt To “Get Out”

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, Ephesians 2:6

Have you struggled with false guilt because of your thoughts? Do you feel so unworthy sometimes because you start thinking about something wrong and you don’t even want to think about it? Maybe it’s situations from the past? Maybe it’s lust? Maybe it’s constant depression or a downcast feeling wondering if things are ever going to work out? My friend, you have to understand where the attack is coming from. Satan wants to destroy you, bring false guilt, and then keep you from ever moving forward. JESUS has come to give you Life and authority! It’s time to start living like a HOLY SPIRIT-filled man or woman of GOD and stop tolerating thoughts from the enemy!

There was a lady that came to LoveLight Church recently facing so many attacks against her and her family. She was facing demonic oppression. After the Service, we prayed. GOD gave me a Word of Knowledge for this lady, we took authority over the enemy and cast it out in JESUS’ NAME! She vomited, was instantly delivered and was filled with joy! You don’t counsel the enemy. You don’t medicate the enemy. In the NAME of JESUS, you tell the enemy to “Get Out”. I’m looking forward to seeing all that JESUS will do in this beautiful family!


READ THIS CAREFULLY! 1. Know that the attack is coming from the enemy (it is not GOD and it is not you) 2. Treat wrong and unwanted thoughts like someone trying to break into your house (don’t allow it and quickly exercise authority over it - in JESUS’ NAME 3. Read, pray, speak, and meditate frequently and consistently what The WORD of GOD says (we live by The WORD of GOD) My friend, never give up! JESUS desires to accomplish a great work through your life that will bless many people!

Be encouraged! GOD bless you!