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From Inside To Outside

To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me. Colossians 1:29

It is so important what we allow into our lives. And, it’s also so important for believers to understand that JESUS lives in them and can live through them - by The HOLY SPIRIT!

Yesterday, it was wonderful to see GOD move in such a powerful way in the Service among GOD’s people whether it be for salvation, healing, or miracles! We are so grateful for what JESUS is doing! However, we also see JESUS move in such a powerful way every Saturday - as we go out to share JESUS in the community. This past Saturday, a friend and I went out for evangelism at a different time. The timing of GOD was amazing! By GOD’s grace, we were able to pray with around 15-20 people. Every person is so precious to JESUS and there were so many Divine Appointments. However, JESUS moved just as powerfully in the streets as HE did in the Church Building. JESUS never changes! All praise to JESUS!

ACTION POINT (2 Questions)

1. What are you allowing into your life that influences the way you live?

2. Are you aware that JESUS can do great works through you, by The HOLY SPIRIT WHO lives in you?

GOD wants to do a work in you and HE also can do a work through you! Meditate on the TRUTH The HOLY SPIRIT can bless people through you this week! Look for opportunities to share JESUS and HIS love with others.

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain