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Title: From My Plans To HIS Plans

Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence. Ephesians 3:12

This past Saturday was miraculous! By GOD’s grace, we prayed with about 20 people to give their lives to JESUS. When we were walking, I felt that The HOLY SPIRIT wanted us to go a different direction from where we usually go. In a miraculous way, we met 2 young men and then met a sister-in-CHRIST. We prayed with them all and I shared with one of them a Message from a man of GOD in Ghana. Then, in about 10 minutes, GOD brought across our path 2 young ladies from Ghana. We shared the Good News and they gave their lives to JESUS! Only GOD can do that!

Have you had changes in your life recently? Are you focused only on your to-do list? Or, are you focused on the people around you coming closer to JESUS? Are Only focused on your plans? Or, are you willing to go wherever The HOLY SPIRIT tells you to go? HIS plans are the Best!


The Victorious Christian life is not about doing something - it is about YIELDING to SOMEONE! You can go from defeat to victory, by yielding to JESUS in loving relationship! You can go from depression to joy, from anger to love, from fear to faith, from weakness to strength, from anxious to peace, from sickness to healed, and from sin to set free - by yielding to The HOLY SPIRIT! Read the WORD, pray the WORD, act upon the WORD, and surround yourself with people that are walking in obedience to The WORD of GOD! Always be willing to yield quickly in loving relationship to The HOLY SPIRIT! HIS plans are Best!

Have a great day and GOD bless you!