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From Self Focus To SPIRIT Focus

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, Colossians 1:9

An almost daily prayer of mine is for GOD to bring into my life only the right people and that someone will pray to trust in JESUS! In the last 10 years, I’ve never seen GOD not answer this prayer. I was driving home once from speaking at a Church for their Anniversary Service. As I was about to pass a gas station, I noticed a man with a moving truck. GOD put him very strongly on my heart. I pulled into the gas station as they were about to leave. There was actually about 4 people in the truck. By GOD’s grace, they were very kind and receptive and prayed to trust in JESUS! It so touched me as you could see that GOD has so much that HE could do in and through their lives!

What do your prayers consist of mostly? Are you always praying about yourself? Are you always focused on your needs or something that you want GOD to do for you? You will not experience the fullness of GOD’s love and joy until you are focused on JESUS and others experiencing HIM! This is where abundant life is found! It is absolutely amazing and miraculous every day to live in relationship with JESUS and to be focused on blessing people everywhere GOD sends you!

Action Point

As you spend time in prayer today, begin to worship JESUS and then ask GOD who HE wants to bless through you. When you are focused on the LORD JESUS CHRIST, living in obedience to HIM and living for the good of others, you really don’t have to worry about anything because GOD has promised to add everything that you need! Let’s not have self-focus today, let’s have HOLY SPIRIT-focus today!

GOD bless you, my friend!