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From Self-Focus to SAVIOR-Focused  

The greatest among you will be your servant. Matthew 23:11  

As I was flying back from Kenya, I was full of joy knowing that there were many people on the plane who needed to hear about JESUS! By GOD’s grace, I was able to pray with a lady beside me to trust in JESUS! Then, I was able to have a great conversation with a group of flight attendants and pray with them to give their lives to JESUS! And, after we landed, GOD brought across my path one of the Pilots, who also prayed to give his life to JESUS! This life is not so much about us - but about JESUS and souls to coming to HIM! All praise to JESUS!  

We hear so much in the world today that centers around self-focus such as how I can get ahead, how I can achieve, how I can get more money, how I can live a comfortable life, etc.! I know that GOD blesses and prospers HIS children, and I am for people being blessed. However, we will never accomplish what JESUS has for us, if we are only focused on ourselves.  

Action Point

Pray. Ask JESUS to give you a burden for your family, co-workers, and people that HE brings into your life. Look for opportunities this week on how you can serve others. Maybe calling and praying for someone? Maybe going to visit someone? Maybe texting and encouraging someone? Maybe blessing someone financially? And, all the while, sharing JESUS and HIS love with each person! My friend, if you really want to be great in the Kingdom of GOD, live to serve others - as led by The HOLY SPIRIT! JESUS can use you so powerfully!  

Have a miraculous week! GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain