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TITLE: From Self-Focused - To SOULS-Focused

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. Galatians 5:13

Recently in California, while helping to officiate a beautiful, GOD-ordained Wedding, I had the privilege of praying with many people to trust in JESUS! GOD placed on my heart many years ago to Always give an opportunity for people to gives their lives to JESUS at Weddings and everywhere HE sends me to speak. If it’s for one soul - it’s worth it! If it’s for 10,000 souls - it’s worth it! While there were probably 100 or more people with whom I prayed, one story that really touched me was a young man sitting by himself on a Golf Cart at the Venue. I prayed with him to give his life to JESUS and he had an encounter with the LORD! JESUS always gets all of praise!

Are you living for yourself and for comfort in this life? Or, are you living for souls coming to JESUS? Are you focused on the how good people serve you? Or, are you focused on using what JESUS has given to you to serve others?


My friend, this life is so short. I stopped a long time ago being concerned about the quality of service that is given to me. The meal can be bland rice and water; however, if people are coming to JESUS - I am rejoicing! Make a decision to focus on souls coming to JESUS and how GOD can use you to help people. If you want joy and fulfillment - get GOD’s heart for what HE wants to do through you and live each day being used by JESUS to bless people and to make JESUS known! Every believer’s calling is to be a life-giving expression of JESUS (Acts 1:8)!

Rejoice, my friend! NOW is the time!