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 From The Littlest Child To The Oldest Saint

“Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” Luke 2:49

One of the great joys in being a dad and parent is seeing JESUS work in the life of your child! Many times when I go throughout the day and share JESUS with others, it is a blessing to have my son with me who is only about 18 months old. By GOD’s grace, his first word was “hallelujah”, and he is already laying hands on people’s heads like he is praying for them! It is absolutely precious to see! I remember a time when we were walking out of a gas station when we noticed a man who had said something to us. I believe he had commented on my son. We were able to talk with him and his wife who were going through a very difficult situation and a health challenge. Shortly after, I prayed for them and with them a prayer to give their lives to JESUS! The power of GOD touched them, and they were in tears! What a joy to have my son with me in this amazing encounter! Only JESUS can do that!

I believe what GOD is going to do in and through the lives of children in this generation and in this next great move of GOD is going to astound people! It is so important and so valuable to have your children involved and around the work of GOD from a very young age. However, it is critical for every believer to be involved in sharing the Good News of JESUS! No matter what age, GOD has a special purpose to fulfill in and through your life! Some of the most difficult situations in your life can prepare you to step into a new season and for GOD to work through you in a supernatural way!

Action Point

Ask GOD who HE wants to bless through your life today. Think of someone that you can reach out today, pray for them and share with them how JESUS and an intimate relationship with HIM is the answer! With JESUS for us, the best is yet to come!

Have a miraculous day! GOD bless you!