Gain Victory In That Area Of Your Life
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7
Are you facing a challenge or difficulty in your life that seems to never go away? Maybe a temptation? Maybe depression? Maybe a wrong habit? Maybe an unhealthy relationship? Maybe fear in some area of your life that keeps you from enjoying what GOD desires to do through your life? NOW is the time to gain the victory, as JESUS can do a great work through your life to bless many people!
Every person that GOD has used to touch generations has had to gain victories in specific areas of their life to prepare them for GOD has called them to do. David had to gain victory over the lion and the bear before killing Goliath. He needed to kill Goliath to prepare him for future battles. Joseph had to gain victory over jealousy, rejection, misunderstanding, lies from the enemy, loneliness, and abandonment before JESUS brought him into a place of great victory to bless an entire generation and generations to come! JESUS set me free from all fear many years ago in order to prepare me to share the Gospel in any situation and without compromise. JESUS gets all of the praise!
Go to JESUS is prayer and seek HIM until you gain victory. Find Scriptures that you can stand on concerning how JESUS has already given you victory. Speak what The WORD says, believe what The WORD says, and act upon what The WORD says! Stop going to Google, Social Media, and worldly methods. All of your victory is in JESUS! Read The WORD and rely on the HOLY SPIRIT to show you the TRUTH that will set you free! Encourage someone today!
GOD bless you!
Evangelist Tyler Sain