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Get A WORD From The LORD

One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.” Acts 18:9-10

About 7 years ago, GOD put on my heart to share JESUS or pray with at least one person every day! There have been so many people give their lives to JESUS, people who have been healed, and absolute miracles that have taken place! Yesterday, we were simply spending time together as a family. I had such a Divine Appointment to pray with a delivery driver and then 3 people at a local car wash! It was truly miraculous and JESUS gets all of the glory! However, for all of these years, I have had a WORD from The LORD! There is great joy in simply hearing and following what JESUS has instructed you to do!

Do you have a WORD from The LORD for your life? Do you have great clarity concerning what GOD has called you to do? Have you spent time in prayer and in The WORD to get a WORD from GOD? For you? For your family? For your future?


My friend, GOD is not a GOD of confusion. JESUS desires that you have great clarity for your life and the future! Take a break from Social Media, from YouTube, from going to other people for advice - then go to JESUS first. Have a specific time in each day where you read The Bible and pray - asking GOD to lead you. GOD may lead you to a believer, a Pastor, or a Church that HE will work through in your life. However, go to JESUS for yourself. HE desires relationship and fellowship with you! JESUS loves you and HE will lead you in a perfect way!

Have an amazing day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain