Get Around People Who Are Rejoicing

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4

Yesterday, we had such an awesome day with LoveLight Church. In the morning, we stopped at the store to pick up some things for the Church. We were rejoicing and GOD brought right across our path a precious family who needed prayer. They were touched in such a powerful way! Then, I prayed with another precious family to give their lives to JESUS! HE gets all of the praise!

Who are you spending time with? Do the people around you rejoice and speak faith into your life? Or, do they bring you down and tell you why it can’t happen? There is so much power as we go throughout the day rejoicing and having people of faith in our lives!


Take a moment to worship JESUS today and rejoice because of how good HE has been to you! Then, be very intentional about having people of faith who rejoice and encourage you to do what JESUS has placed in your heart to do! May you rejoice in the HOLY SPIRIT all week long!

GOD bless you!