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Get Eternity-Focused  

Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.” John 6:27  

Yesterday, our oldest son and I needed to get some things done very quickly. Even though we needed to get done quickly, I prayed that GOD would bring those people into our lives who needed HIM. At the first place we went, there was a lady that GOD put on my heart. We talked very briefly, JESUS touched her, she was in tears, and we were able to pray with her to trust in JESUS! We then went to the grocery store. There was another lady who overheard me talking about JESUS with a young man that I had prayed with before. I stopped quickly, we prayed together trusting in JESUS, JESUS touched her, and she was in tears of joy! What a joy it is to be eternity-focused! JESUS gets all of the glory!  

Where are you going today? Where are you working today? Who are you calling or texting today? What do you have to get done today? Who will you see today? Don’t see as world sees! Get your work done; however, focus on JESUS and the souls around you coming to JESUS!  


This in an extremely urgent and important season to be focused on eternity and not trivial things of the world. Pray and ask GOD to empower you to be a powerful witness for JESUS everywhere HE sends you! May you constantly be filled with The HOLY SPIRIT! Don’t shy away or be timid when it comes to talking about JESUS! Don’t waste time on things that have no eternal value. Rejoice and stay focused on JESUS and souls!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain