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Get Out Of Your Head  

Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Mark 5:36  

I remember a time when GOD kept putting on my heart a man I used to work with in NC. It had been years since I had seen him. I thought that he may be resistant to the Gospel. I got his number, contacted him, and was able to talk with him. He was shocked, as he was going through one of the most difficult times in his entire life. We talk and then I prayed with him to re-dedicate his life to the LORD JESUS CHRIST! It didn’t make sense in my head - but it made perfect sense in the SPIRIT! All praise to JESUS!  

From my observations, one of the biggest reasons why people don’t move forward quickly into what GOD has placed in their heart is because they are trying to make sense of everything in their mind. What if I fail? Maybe I’m not prepared enough? What will others think? What if no one goes with me? What if I let others down? What if I don’t enough money?  

Action Point

READ THIS CAREFULLY! You must learn to quickly obey the HOLY SPIRIT and to move quickly in obedience in what HE has instructed you to do! It will not always make sense in your head; however, if you obey the HOLY SPIRIT, lives will be transformed and miracles will take place! My friend, life is too short to be fearful or to worry about what others think! Make a decision today to forget the negatives in the past, obey the HOLY SPIRIT, and begin living the amazing, joyful, and miraculous life that JESUS desires for you! Now is the time!  

Have a great day, my friend! GOD bless you!

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