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Get Out Of Your Head And Start Speaking  

Proclaiming aloud your praise and telling of all your wonderful deeds. Psalm 26:7  

The Bible shows us repeatedly how important it is to speak the WORD of GOD! Every day, I speak aloud yielding my life and family to The HOLY SPIRIT and then rendering powerless everything of the enemy - in the NAME of JESUS! From Genesis to Revelation, we see GOD speaking and every one of HIS WORDS are fulfilled. Yesterday, as we prayed for GOD to send someone into our lives, it was so powerful! We stopped at a store and a young lady had an encounter with JESUS! She was in need of prayer and encouragement. She prayed to give her life to JESUS! I then got a text from a friend, who also shares JESUS regularly, and she shared a powerful testimony of the healing power of JESUS! She had spoken and shared the Good News of JESUS with someone!  

Today’s world is isolated and so many people are trapped in their minds. Are you speaking the WORD of GOD? Are you speaking about sharing the Good News of JESUS? Are you speaking and encouraging others? Are you worshipping and singing praises to JESUS out loud? It is so powerful when we begin open our mouths declare the works of GOD!  


Take some time today and worship JESUS out loud! Take some time today to speak and to encourage someone! Take some time today to speak to someone about JESUS! Take some time today to speak aloud what JESUS has done and what HE desires to do through your life! The power of life and death is in the power of the tongue! Let’s speak life and get moving in GOD’s direction!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain