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Give Them A Steak - Stop Trying To Take Bones

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. Romans 1:16

It has been absolutely miraculous what GOD has been doing on Saturdays as we meet and go out for HOLY SPIRIT-led Evangelism. Three amazing testimonies have been young people who were actually trying to share a type of false religion. On both occasions, we listened to them and then shared the True Gospel and what the Bible really teaches. (We gave them a “steak” instead of arguing with them and trying to take their “bones”) As we talked with them with compassion, all 3 prayed a prayer of salvation to trust in JESUS and not religion. We pray that all them read the Bible and experience The LORD JESUS CHRIST for themselves!

We grew up with dogs in North Carolina. My favorite kind of dog is a boxer. If you want to get a bone or something from a dog - all you have to do is give them something good to eat, like a steak! It’s a lot easier than trying to wrestle a bone away from a dog!

Action Point

When you are sharing the Gospel of JESUS with others - make sure to share the Gospel! Our arguments are not the power of GOD for salvation! The Good News is the Power of GOD for salvation! Love people, listen to people, have a heart felt compassion for people, and in kindness share with them the Good News of our LORD JESUS CHRIST! They can be saved, healed, delivered, their minds set free, and free from works and religion! They can have love, joy, peace, and eternal life! My prayer is that GOD uses you powerfully to win souls!

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain