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GOD Always Answers Prayer (Focus: Prayer)

But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John. Luke 1:13  

It’s an amazing Truth that GOD always answers prayer! The Welsh Revival in 1904 is one of the most studied true Revivals in history. Wales and then many other areas were shaken by the power of GOD and hundreds of thousands of precious people were saved and given to the LORD JESUS CHRIST! This revival is still having a great impact in people’s lives today! One of the main human instruments that the HOLY SPIRIT worked through was a young man named Evan Roberts, who was only 26 years of age. One amazing fact is that Evan Roberts began to pray for GOD to bring revival to Wales when he was about 13 years old. Soon before that Revival broke out, Evan Roberts had multiple radical encounters with GOD in prayer that gave him a supernatural confidence concerning what GOD was going to do. Multitudes were saved, the presence of GOD was felt throughout the country and nearly every aspect of society was transformed by the presence of GOD! GOD answered his prayer! Only JESUS can do that! I have been greatly impacted and encouraged by what GOD did through Evan Roberts and in the Welsh Revival!  

What have you been praying about lately? What have you been talking to JESUS about? Maybe you are facing one of the most difficult seasons of your life? Maybe you need clarity on how to move forward? Maybe you need GOD to do something that only HE can do? Let me assure you, if you know JESUS, then you are in a good place! GOD does not want you to be fearful about anything; however, HE wants you to pray about everything! GOD always answers prayer!  

Action Point

Make it a priority to spend time reading the WORD of GOD and then spend time in prayer and in conversation with JESUS! Don’t just speak a lot of words and then leave. Read the WORD, spend time worshipping JESUS and then listen for HIS voice as read the WORD and wait upon the LORD. It’s difficult for me to express how important this is for you and for you to experience everything that GOD desires to do in and through your life. Separate yourself from all distractions and spend quality time in prayer with JESUS! This will radically transform your life! Remember, GOD always answers prayer!  

GOD bless you, my friend! Have a blessed day!