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GOD Can Work Miracles Through Our Children

“ ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Acts 2:17  

Read story from the Welsh Revival: (A career missionary to India came to JESUS by GOD working through a 4 year old!) “A very pretty story is that of a child of about four in an infant class who held up his hand to call the teacher’s attention. “Well, A—,” inquired the teacher, “what is it?” Swift and telling came the words, “Please, teacher, do you love Jesus?” That was all: nay, it was not all; the arrow had reached its mark. There and then the teacher came to the Lord, and it is only a year or so since death ended her great missionary career in India. This all-pervading sense of the presence of God even among the children, may perhaps be further illustrated by a story from Rhos. Someone overheard one little child ask another, “Do you know what has happened at Rhos?” “No, I don’t, except that Sunday comes every day now.” “Don’t you know?” “No, I don’t.” “Why, Jesus Christ has come to live in Rhos now!””  

In the coming Spiritual Awakening in America and throughout the world, I believe it is going to astound people what GOD does through children!  


Pray for and with your children! Spend time with your children! Talk to them about JESUS often! Take them with you when you are doing Ministry! Take them to Church Services that are full of The HOLY SPIRIT! Involve them in what GOD has called you to do! Help them to believe big! Encourage them that they can do whatever JESUS has called them to do - by The HOLY SPIRIT! Rejoice, my friend! Today is great day to share the love of JESUS with someone!  

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain