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GOD Connects The Dots

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way. Psalm 37:23  

I was just recently at a Church in Kingsport, TN speaking for Revival Services. It was a great blessing being with the Body of CHRIST there and to see many have a powerful encounter with JESUS! When we went out to eat for lunch on Sunday, I noticed a waiter in the restaurant whom GOD very strongly placed on my heart. Once we were done eating, I was able to talk with him. I told him how GOD put him on my heart and how JESUS has amazing plans for his life. We sat down in at a table/booth, and he was amazed. He told me that this had never happened to him before. He was going through a difficult season in his life. By GOD’s grace, I prayed with him to give his life to the LORD JESUS CHRIST! JESUS touched him so powerfully. He got up and gave me a hug. He looked like a new person, and he is a new person in JESUS CHRIST!  JESUS gets all of the glory!

If you are seeking to follow JESUS CHRIST with all of your heart and you are living in obedience to what HE has revealed to you, then you can be assured that GOD will order your steps! Can you remember the last time when you were thinking, what should I do or what decision should I make? Maybe there has been a cloudiness to the next major season in your life.  

Action Point

Fast, pray and give of yourself and of your resources wherever GOD has placed you. Spend time in the WORD of GOD and prayer until you have a clear WORD from the LORD. Ask JESUS to lead you by HIS HOLY SPIRIT to whatever HE has for you to do! Yield to the HOLY SPIRIT. Rejoice and be encouraged that GOD is ordering YOUR steps! GOD will “connect the dots” in your life! JESUS knows everything about everything, and HE knows where HE is taking you!  

GOD bless you and your family!