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GOD Has An Important Calling Upon Your Life  

Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and our brother Sosthenes, 1 Corinthians 1:1  

Tuesdays are such a blessing to me - as I get to spend the entire day with all 3 of our precious boys! While we are very busy in Ministry and getting the Good News of JESUS out to hurting people, it is so important that we are moving together as a family! It’s so important for us that our sons are experiencing the presence of The HOLY SPIRIT and the power of GOD! Yesterday, as we went to a restaurant, the car wash, and the grocery store - we prayed with 3 people to give their lives to JESUS! It was so powerful to see people having an encounter with JESUS and being filled with love and joy! All praise to JESUS!  

Did you know that GOD has a unique and an important calling upon your life? Did you know that your life is just as important and significant as other people who are being used powerfully by JESUS? It is critical that you know that JESUS has an important calling upon your life and that HE can use you in a powerful way!  


Take your focus off of the people around you and the opinions of others. Put all your focus on JESUS, pray, and seek the LORD concerning the unique calling upon your life. Maybe it’s preaching? Or evangelism? Or business? Or prayer? Or teaching? Or children? Or caring for the elderly? Or maintenance? We are the Glorious Body of The LORD JESUS CHRIST and every person is very important! Rejoice and encourage someone today!  

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain