GOD Is For You

Therefore, brothers and sisters, we are not children of the slave woman, but of the free woman. Galatians 4:31

We took our 3 boys to a Waterpark. As we were entering, there were 3 people working and checking bags. One of the ladies asked me to pray for them. It was awesome! My message for them was simply that GOD loves them, HE is for them, and that HE has great plans for their lives! All 3 gave their lives to JESUS and were touched in a powerful way! All praise to JESUS!

Do you really believe that GOD is for you? Do you realize that you are no longer a slave, but a son or daughter of GOD? Do you realize that JESUS wants you to be free by constantly receiving GRACE from HIM?


Meditate in the TRUTH today that you are a child of GOD and that JESUS will meet every need! Stop living like a slave in order to earn something from GOD! Receive Grace today to walk in freedom in every area of your life!

GOD bless you!