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God’s Joy Is Your Strength  

When all the people saw him walking and praising God, they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him. Acts 3:9-10  

We were just recently flying home from a trip. While I was in the airplane, God placed in my spirit that I needed to talk and pray with the flight attendants. I went to the back of the plane and 4 flight attendants were right there. I was rejoicing and telling them how much we appreciate their service. By God’s grace, I was able to pray with all 4 of them a prayer to give their lives to JESUS! The longer you share the Gospel with others, the more you realize that people are not attracted to bondage and religion. People are attracted to joyous relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ Who loves them! All praise to Jesus!  

Take an honest look at your life and the relationship that you have with Jesus. Are you rejoicing each day? Are you rejoicing throughout the day? Are you enjoying conversation and communion with the Jesus? Are you sensitive to the Holy Spirit and living in the freedom that Jesus has given to you? We are followers of Jesus Christ. Depression, isolation, and worldly sorrow have no place in our lives! It’s time for you to go forth rejoicing for all the Jesus has done, is doing and will do in and through your life!  

Action Point

Wherever you are, stop for a moment and take time to simply rejoice in the relationship that you have with JESUS! If you have given your life to Jesus Christ and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, then rejoice in the following Facts! JESUS has saved you, healed you, set you completely free, baptized you with the Holy Spirit and fire, set you apart, loves you, rejoices over you, has completely forgiven you, has given you eternal life, has made heaven your home, and Jesus is coming back again! Don’t allow anything to depress you! Stand strong, rejoice, and do what God has called you to do!  

God bless you, my friend!

#souls #spiritualawakening #revival