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GOD’s Love Will Make A Way

2“I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. 3If I send them home hungry, they will collapse on the way, because some of them have come a long distance.” Mark 8:2-3

In 2012, there was a news report in New Mexico of a car rolling over a young 3 year old boy. The car reportedly rolled over his head and the child was then stuck underneath the car. There was a man working close by that ran over to the car, brace himself and then picked one side of the car up off of the ground about 10 inches. The boy was rushed to the hospital and faced very light non-life threatening injuries. When an emergency takes place, you don’t run and prepare something, you use what you got! All praise to JESUS!

As children of GOD, we must always remember that we are the body of JESUS CHRIST! GOD desires to work through us so that precious men, women, boys, and girls are saved, healed, set completely free, and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, Fire and GOD’s love! When we love people the way GOD loves us, then we will use whatever we have to do what GOD has called us to do! GOD does not need our ability, HE desires our availability.

Action Point

Who does GOD want to bless through your life today? What need does JESUS want to meet through you and what HE has placed in your hands? Pray and ask GOD who HE wants to touch through your life today. Encourage someone, speak life into someone, lift up someone, and share JESUS someone today! I pray that miracles abound and many souls are given to JESUS by GOD working through your life.

Have a miraculous day and GOD bless you!