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 Good News To Share  

And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ Acts 2:21  

I dropped my wife off at the grocery store while I went to take care of something else with our son. I saw a young man collecting carts and GOD put him on my heart. We had a great conversation and then he prayed to give his life to JESUS! When we arrived to pick up my wife, there was lady who walked past our suv. The HOLY SPIRIT immediately prompted me to say something to her. When I asked if I could pray for her, she almost immediately began to cry. We were able to pray for her and then with her to fresh and anew give her life to JESUS! Good news needs to be shared! All praise to JESUS!  

How often to you think about people coming to JESUS? How much do you desire that your family, friends, co-workers, neighborhood, and those around you call upon JESUS CHRIST? It is critical in this season that we as the body of JESUS CHRIST move away from all of the distractions and get focused on what really matters! We must focus on JESUS and the souls of people. We have Good News to share! We should be sharing it everywhere we go! JESUS can save you, heal you, set you free, give you eternal life, give you purpose in life, fill you with love, joy, peace, and fill you with the HOLY SPIRIT and fire to live in victory in every situation every day of your life!  

Action Point  

Think about any distractions that have kept you from being focused on JESUS and the souls of people. Don’t be discouraged and don’t live with regret! JESUS has cleansed you and now HE wants to use you! Make it a priority this week, this month and this year to live each day focused on JESUS and then souls coming to JESUS in any area of life where GOD has placed you (school, work, church, business, etc.). GOD desires to perform miracles through your life! Let’s expect miracles and the fullness of joy as we focus on JESUS and the souls of people!  

GOD bless you, my friend! #spiritualawakening #revival #souls