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Great Opposition – Great Opportunity For JESUS!  

“Go, stand in the temple courts,” he said, “and tell the people all about this new life.” Acts 5:20  

I was once in a store where I noticed that some people there were very resistant to the Good News of JESUS! Whenever this happens, I know that something good is about to happen. When there is great opposition, there is even greater opportunity for JESUS! While at the store, one young man gave his life to JESUS! Then, I talked to another young man. I don’t think anyone had ever shared with him the Good News about JESUS and how he could know that he will go to heaven. I shared with him the Good News of JESUS CHRIST. Then, by GOD’s grace, I prayed with him a prayer to give his life to JESUS and GOD touched him in a supernatural way! We don’t have any trouble – all we need is faith and trust in JESUS CHRIST!  

Stop looking at the opposition and look at the GOD-given opportunity. As a child of GOD, there will be many types of opposition to take you away from GOD’s perfect plan and calling for your life. One of the best responses to opposition is simply giving the opposition to JESUS and then telling people about JESUS! When you bring JESUS into the situation, great things will happen! Remember, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”  

Action Point

In JESUS’ NAME, take authority over every thought that is seeking to take your focus off of JESUS and HIS calling upon your life. Take a stand and don’t let anything take away the love, joy and peace that you have in JESUS CHRIST. Now, pray and look for an opportunity to tell people about JESUS and how they can have eternal life. I pray that great miracles abound in your life as you continually give every situation to JESUS and then exactly what GOD tells you to do!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #revival #spiritualawakening