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Habits To Help Getting Past The Morning Mind Battle  

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16  

Are you facing an intense mind battle today?

Habits are important! Good habits can set us up for joy and success! While bad habits can set us up for pain and failure. We all go through challenges. As I have went through many challenges, I can think of 3 important habits that have helped me to walk with great joy - no matter how intense the challenge. 1. Constantly going to JESUS and not people. 2. Sharing the Gospel and Soul-Winning daily. 3. Having a consistent morning routine. Just this past Saturday - my regular schedule was changed - and I thank GOD for it! We ended going out for Evangelism at a completely different time. About 4 people prayed to trust in JESUS! And multiple people had an awesome encounter with JESUS! And JESUS gets all of the praise!  

What challenge are you facing? Maybe at your job? Maybe in your family? Maybe thoughts from the past? Maybe simply unwanted thoughts?  


Think about your morning Schedule! It’s easier to go the right direction when you start in the right direction! Pray and ask GOD to help you with your morning routine such as prayer, reading The Bible, and getting ready. JESUS will help you! HE wants you to rejoice and walk in freedom! Then, my suggestion, is to make prayer and sharing JESUS with others part of your lifestyle. Constantly go to JESUS boldly and consistently share the love of JESUS boldly! My friend, it’s a great day! Shout “hallelujah”! GOD can use you powerfully!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain