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Have You Been Filled With The HOLY SPIRIT And Fire?

They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues a as the Spirit enabled them. Acts 2:3-4

With so many understandings concerning the Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT, we must always go back to the Bible and Biblical experience. John G. Lake was used powerfully by GOD to bring the Message of salvation and healing to multitudes throughout America, South Africa and the world. John G. Lake had been saved, baptized in water and he knew that he needed the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT. After some time of crying out to GOD for this empowerment from the HOLY SPIRIT, he was asked to come and pray for someone. He sensed that JESUS had baptized him with the HOLY SPIRIT and he laid hands on the woman who was sick. She was instantly healed by power of GOD! GOD then worked through John G. Lake to shake countries with the Good News of JESUS CHRIST!

Based upon Scripture, it is very plain to me that there are 3 distinct baptisms. First, when you give your life to JESUS and confess HIM as your LORD, SAVIOR and GOD – the HOLY SPIRIT baptizes (immserses) you into the Body of CHRIST. Secondly, a disciple baptizes (immerses) you into water. Thirdly, JESUS baptizes (immerses) you into the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire. This is taught clearly in Scripture and it has also been my own personal experience! All praise to JESUS!

Action Point (Below is not a required “exact” step by step list; however, this is a Scriptural pattern)

1. Be born again (believe and confess that JESUS CHRIST is your LORD, SAVIOR and GOD)!

2. Know that JESUS can, HE is willing and that JESUS desires that you be baptized with the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire!

3. Ask GOD to baptize you with the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire!

4. Pray, Read Scripture, and seek GOD with all of your heart!

5. Receive the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT!

*A great resource on this Topic is: “The Bible Way to Receive the Holy Spirit” by Kenneth E. Hagin*

GOD bless you, my friend!