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Heaven Is Rejoicing  

But many who heard the message believed; so the number of men who believed grew to about five thousand. Acts 4:4  

The Welsh Revival in 1904-05 was a very influential revival in Christian History. One of the vessels that GOD worked through in a powerful way was Evan Roberts. He was only about 26 years old; however, many of the well-known Ministers of that day were coming to hear him speak, as he was anointed of the HOLY SPIRIT! It’s important to know that once he had heard clearly from GOD, he approached a Pastor to see if he could have a Meeting in the Church. The Pastor approved the Meeting. Shortly after, there was a powerful outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT and the entire country of Wales was shaken by the power of GOD! I’m glad that Evan Roberts yielded to the HOLY SPIRIT and did what JESUS desired him to do – as multiplied thousands of precious souls were brought into the Kingdom of GOD! JESUS gets all of the praise!  

What would happen if you began today sharing the Good News of JESUS everywhere GOD sends you? At the grocery store, at the gas station, at work, at home, on the phone, at the gym, in the restaurant, at the sporting event, etc. One thing that I am assured would happen is that heaven would be rejoicing, and people would come to know JESUS CHRIST as Lord and Savior! What is holding you back? Let’s start today!  

Action Point

Make it a priority today to ask at least 2 people if you can pray for something in their lives. Then see how the conversation goes. If they are receptive and say “yes”, then ask them if they know for sure that they will go to heaven when they die. Don’t worry about saying everything perfect. The Bible says, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Ask them to repeat after you a short prayer of giving their lives to JESUS. Then pray with them! Rejoice, my friend! GOD has gifted you and will use you in a powerful way!

GOD bless you!

#souls #spiritualawakening #revival