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Title: Help For The Most Intense Battles

Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, Lord. Psalm 89:15

Yesterday was such a miraculous Sunday! People were saved, encouraged, and empowered by The HOLY SPIRIT to do what GOD has called them to do! There was a precious lady there who was delivered from demonic oppression 2 Sundays ago. She brought some children in her family and they were touched in a powerful way! Why do I tell you this story? She looked like a completely new person from 2 weeks ago and full of joy, as she had an encounter with JESUS in the midst of HIS people! She is able to walk in constant praise - no matter what the situation! All praise to JESUS!


Are you going through one of the most intense battles in your life? Maybe in your mind? Maybe in a relationship? Maybe in your family? Maybe with guilt over failure in the past? Maybe sickness in your body? Maybe the constant pressure of not thinking that you are walking in the fullness of what GOD has planned for your life? By The HOLY SPIRIT, I want to give you some help that will bring you into joyful victory!


No matter how intense the situation, you have to learn to take your focus off of everything else - and keep your focus on praising and worshiping JESUS in quietness and aloud! Miracles happen when we begin to worship, pray and fast! GREATER is The HOLY SPIRIT in you! GREATER is JESUS with you! GREATER is The FATHER’s Love for you! Your victory can take place right now! Rejoice! Praise JESUS! Be an example to those around you of what it looks like to really love, praise and walk with JESUS!

GOD bless you!