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Help For Those Who Need To Turn It Off  

Surely her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead. None who go to her return or attain the paths of life. Proverbs 2:18-19  

We must have another Great Spiritual Awakening. I believe that we are in the beginning of one the greatest days of harvest concerning souls in History. In the Welsh Revival of 1904, Wales was consumed with immortality, drunkenness, sports, and coarse language. When Revival hit Wales, it was as if the Fire of GOD had poured out over the entire country. About 70,000 people came to JESUS within the 1st 2 months. That would be like 11 million people coming to JESUS in America in the next 2 months. GOD transformed the country of Wales. Today in America, there has been a genocide of murdering babies, millions are in bondage to pornography and immorality, only about half of marriages stay together, the suicide rate is nearly at an all-time high, shootings are happening more frequently in schools, and the list could go on.  

It’s time to turn off every sinful habit and to wake up. If you are in bondage to lust, pornography, anger, suicidal thoughts, or constant fear - I have Good News for you - JESUS CAN SET YOU FREE TODAY!  


You can’t free yourself, but GOD can. The only way to be set completely free is by the working of The HOLY SPIRIT! The Bible teaches in the New Covenant - that we live by - “CHRIST in you, the hope of glory”. 1. Know that JESUS loves you, can set you free, and wants to set you free. 2. Turn off all of the “self-help” methods and totally surrender to The HOLY SPIRIT. 3. Reject and renounce the sinful habit and declare it never again a part of your life. 4. Ask GOD to help you walk as the new person HE has made you to be and go straight to The WORD of GOD and prayer when temptation comes. 5. If needed, share with a GODly and trusted friend who can encourage you and hold you accountable. My friend, it’s time to turn off what is trying to destroy you! JESUS loves you and greater is HE (The HOLY SPIRIT) WHO lives in you!  

Rejoice! GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain