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 Help Somebody  

For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed. So there was great joy in that city. Acts 8:7-8  

Recently, my son and I were leaving the house and I noticed a lady and I child walking in the neighborhood. GOD very strongly out her on my heart, so I started a conversation with her. They were facing a very difficult health concern with a child. By GOD’s grace, I was able to pray with her to trust in JESUS and then also to speak healing over the child. Yesterday, I talked and prayed with a precious mother who lost a son. Today, we stopped at a gas station where we were able to pray with 6 people to trust in JESUS! Hurting people are all around us! We may not be able to help everyone, but by GOD’s grace, we can help somebody! JESUS gets all of the praise!  

Who does the HOLY SPIRIT want to bless through you today? Maybe GOD put on your heart to call or text someone? Maybe GOD put on your heart to share JESUS, to pray, or to give something to someone? Are you constantly trying to get yourself blessed? Or are you going out each day to be a blessing? There are multitudes who are hurting and have never heard the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST! Who will you help today?  

Action Point

Make a decision today to give JESUS all of the challenges and situations that you are currently facing in your life. Then get up, go forward and be a blessing to someone. Ask the HOLY SPIRIT who HE wants you to bless today and ask HIM where HE wants you to go! JESUS can use you to share the Good News, to heal the sick, to set people free, and for people to receive the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire through your life. Don’t look how you can get blessed today, go out and be a blessing!  

Expect miracles today!

#blessing #pray #JESUS #revival #spiritualawakening #souls #nowisthetime