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How Important Is Prayer To You?  

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. Acts 4:31  

How much time do you really spend in prayer? Do you go to JESUS in prayer first? Or do you quickly go people? Do you spend more time in prayer? Or do you spend more time scrolling through social media? My friend, if you want to walk with the power and anointing of GOD - you have to pray!  

A couple of days ago before starting work, I went out to share the Good News of JESUS! As I was leaving the neighborhood, I talked with a landscaper and prayed with him to trust in JESUS! I went to a grocery store and prayed with another man a prayer to trust in JESUS! I then went to Walmart and prayed with a very nice man to trust in JESUS! He was touched in a powerful way! JESUS gets all of the praise! Why do I share these testimonies? To let you know that these testimonies are a result of what the HOLY SPIRIT spoke to me in prayer about 7 years ago. GOD put on my heart to not let an entire day go by without sharing the Gospel or praying with at least one person. This has changed my life!  

Action Point

Make a decision today to schedule a time where you pray each day reading GOD’s WORD and listening to the voice of JESUS! Read these Scriptures concerning prayer that are so Powerful! Jeremiah 33:3 / Matthew 7:7 / John 14:11-21 / Matthew 6:6 / John 15:7 / John 16:24 / Mark 11:22-25 / Ephesians 3:20-21 / 1 John 5:14-15 / there are so many more! Whatever you need my friend - you can find it in prayer with JESUS!  

Have an amazing day! GOD bless you!!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

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