How Much Of Your Life Involves Fishing

Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” Luke 5:10b

Yesterday, we thank the LORD that we had such a powerful Service at LoveLight Church. On the way, we stopped quickly to get our son a slice of pizza. I went inside briefly and talked to a young lady who was working at the counter. By GOD’s grace, she prayed with me to give her life to JESUS! It wasn’t just for pizza. It was for a precious young lady who needed JESUS! Good food is great! But, soul-winning is much better!

How much of your life involves fishing for people? How often do you think about souls coming to JESUS? Are you caught up constantly worrying about things of the world? Or, are you filled with joy living for what really matters - the souls of people?


Pray and ask the HOLY SPIRIT to give you a burden and an understanding for soul-winning. Begin looking for opportunities to share JESUS and to pray for people. Begin by simply being kind to people and asking them if you can pray for them. Trust the HOLY SPIRIT to bring people into your life who need JESUS!

Have a great day and GOD bless you!