How Often Are You Sharing JESUS With Others?

For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. Titus 2:11

On Tuesday, our 3 boys and I were going out for evangelism before playing the rest of the day. As I was driving, God put on my heart a man at a gas station. We stopped and he prayed to give his life to JESUS! As we were on our way to a restaurant, we stopped at a traffic light. We prayed with a family of four while stopped. Hallelujah! Then, when we got our food at the restaurant, a very kind lady prayed to say yes to our Savior JESUS! All praise to JESUS!

How often are you sharing JESUS with others? At your job? At your school? Over the phone? Is your life contributing to the building up of believers and the saving of the lost? Or, are you focused only on the things that you want to get done?


Meditate of the Truth that JESUS has sent you to share the Good News of JESUS with others! That is one of your main priorities here upon the earth! Do you want to experience joy unspeakable? Get involved in GOD’s work of winning souls! The HOLY SPIRIT has equipped you! Let’s go!