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How Often Do You Think About It?

Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11

My son and I were going to the grocery store to pick up an order. We prayed that GOD would bring the right person out to deliver the order and that he or she would pray to trust in JESUS! There was a young lady that gave us the order and she desperately needed JESUS. She was not sure what she was really supposed to do in life. By GOD’s grace, she prayed with us to give her life to JESUS and to receive the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire! What if JESUS would’ve returned for the rapture of the Church yesterday evening? Or even today? The TRUTH that the LORD JESUS CHRIST is returning one day to take us home to heaven motivates us to make the most of every opportunity and to always live for JESUS and the souls of people! Praise GOD!

Martin Luther stated, “There are two days in my calendar: This day and that Day.” Two of the most significant days is “today” and the day that JESUS returns! What an amazing way to live! As a child of GOD, how often do you think about the soon coming of the LORD JESUS CHRIST? Have you done what GOD has called you to do? Have you left behind the opinions of others? Have you forgave those that you need to forgive? Have you sought to live for JESUS and for the souls of people?

Action Point

My friend, take some time to meditate upon the TRUTH that JESUS is coming again. Meditate on the Fact that HIS coming is absolutely certain and it could be sooner than you think. Write down 3 things that you would do if you began living with only those 2 dates on your calendar, “today” and “that Day” of JESUS’ return. GOD can restore anything that the enemy has tried to steal! It’s time for you to stand up, rejoice and move forward with GOD’s calling upon your life!

GOD bless you, my friend!