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How Often Do You Think About JESUS Coming Again?  

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” Matthew 24:42  

About 7 years ago, GOD put on my heart not to let an entire day go by without sharing JESUS or praying with at least one person. It has truly been miraculous! Recently, I went out late as I had been spending time with our twin boys. The HOLY SPIRIT led me to call T-Mobile and go to a specific restaurant. I talked with a lady over the phone from the Philippines, who was pregnant with twins! She gave her life to JESUS and she was touched so powerfully as I prayed for the pregnancy! Then, I had a great conversation with a lady at the restaurant who prayed to trust in JESUS! She was so happy! All glory to JESUS!  

How often do you think about the Rapture of the Church or the 2nd Coming of The LORD JESUS CHRIST? I believe that this is a Truth that the world needs to hear about more than ever before. It is an Absolute TRUTH and Fact that JESUS is coming again! Are you ready?  


Pray. Take a moment today and meditate on the Truth that JESUS is coming again! GOD is in control and HIS purposes shall never fail. When you look at people today, see each person as someone for whom JESUS died and who will spend eternity in heaven or hell. My friend, we must move forward and take the things of GOD very seriously! This is the time for Church of The LORD JESUS CHRIST to make a stand and to live on Fire until JESUS takes us home! Sharing JESUS with someone today!  

Have an amazing day! GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain