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How To Get To That Place Of Victory  

The Lord gave David victory wherever he went. 2 Samuel 8:6b / The Lord gave David victory wherever he went. 2 Samuel 8:14b  

As we were preparing the Evangelistic GOOD NEWS Event in Staten Island, we talked with a lady in Staten Island. She has ringing in her ears and asked for prayer. The Bible teaches us to lay hands on the sick and that they will recover. I laid hands on her ears, commanded the ringing to leave, and commanded her ears to hear clearly - all in JESUS’ NAME! The ringing left her ears and she could hear clearly without any ringing. While we were there, we were also able to pray with a lady there to trust in JESUS! Only JESUS can do that and HE gets all of the praise!  

How do you get to a place in your life where there is victory everywhere you go? David was faithful and obedient unto the LORD when no one was around and when everybody was around. David was a man who finished the job no matter what he had to do. David was a man who sought the LORD’s direction and did what JESUS instructed him to do. And “The LORD gave David victory everywhere he went.”  

Action Point

Ask yourself these 3 questions and then do what GOD has called you to do! 1. Are you concerned about what others think or are you only concerned about what GOD thinks? 2. Are you the same in faithfulness and integrity when you are by yourself and when people are around? 3. Do you finish what JESUS has given you by following the HOLY SPIRIT - no matter what it takes? Now is the time, my friend! Walk in victory in everything that GOD has called you to do!  

GOD bless you abundantly!!

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