How To Live In Continual Victory

I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. Psalm 116:1-2

Last week we had the blessing of visiting with family in Tennessee. While we were at the park playing with the boys, I noticed a lady with 2 girls. God very strongly put her on my heart. As they were about to leave, I got her attention and began talking with her. She was going through an intense situation in her life and had prayed that Jesus would send to her a Pastor or someone. I had the privilege of praying for her and then praying with her to give her life to JESUS! She was overwhelmed with the presence of JESUS!

Are you living in victory every day? Are you rejoicing because of daily victories? Are you experiencing miracles every day? Did you know that God’s will for you is to reign in victory through Jesus - every single day?


One of the most important and simple ways to walking in victory every day is constantly going to JESUS for everything through prayer and through intimacy. My friend, everything that you need is in JESUS and in relationship with him. Don’t believe the lies of religion that say that you only go to JESUS for some things. Go to JESUS for everything - HIS Grace and supply never runs out!

Share Jesus today and rejoice that God is with you!