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If GOD Said It – Then That Settles It!

13Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment. Matthew 8:13

As I was leaving the housing development and about to enter a main road, a big truck went by me, and GOD immediately placed in my heart to speak to the man driving the truck. The man pulled into a new construction housing site, so I drove there as well. I pulled up to the truck and approached the man. He was overwhelmed when I told him that GOD had put him on my heart. I prayed for him and with him to trust in JESUS! He was in tears as it was something that only GOD can do! Once GOD spoke, that settled the issue! All praise to JESUS!

Many of us have heard the phrase, “GOD said it, I believe it, that settles it.” However, that’s really not true. If GOD said it, that settle it! If GOD said it, then it will come to pass! What has JESUS spoken to you? What has HE placed in your heart to do? Has HE asked you to move forward in a certain area of your life? Has HE asked you to give up something? If GOD said it, then we simply take it by faith and walk in it by the HOLY SPIRIT. It’s already done!

Action Point

Take a moment today to meditate on Scripture and think about what GOD has spoken to you. Do you need guidance? Spend time in the WORD of GOD and in prayer. JESUS knows everything about everything. Listen for HIS voice. Once you have a WORD from the LORD, that settles it! You can then walk in that WORD and promise by complete reliance upon the HOLY SPIRIT! Rejoice today!

GOD bless you, my friend!