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If You Don’t Move Forward Now - Eventually It Will Be Too Late  

Make every effort to come to me quickly, 2 Timothy 4:9  

I remember when I used to take the Subway and Buses often in NYC. It’s a horrible feeling if you are running late, you run to get on the bus or Subway, then you see that it just left. Then, there have been many times when I was very early so that I could share the Good News of JESUS with people while on the way to where I was going! There have been 100s if not 1000s of Divine Appointments with people trusting JESUS while taking public transit! It’s a great feeling to be early or right on time! JESUS gets all of the glory!  

Has GOD given you direction, but you have yet to move forward? Has JESUS asked you to remove something from your life, but you haven’t responded yet? Has JESUS placed a big dream on the inside of you, but you are still living in fear of people or failure? My friend, it is so important for us to take to heart the reality that if we don’t respond now - there eventually will come a time where it’s too late. Quick obedience leads to abundant blessing!  

Action Point

My heartfelt suggestion to you is to pray, rely on the HOLY SPIRIT, and obey what JESUS has instructed you to do quickly! If you don’t know all of the steps, then pray, obey what you know, and seek out a mentor who is known for hearing and following the HOLY SPIRIT! Now is the time! Don’t hesitate! This life is short! Live in the fullness of who GOD has created you to be!  

I pray for every person who reads this to get up, be baptized with the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire, and move forward - in JESUS’ NAME!

#AllJESUS #JESUS #moveforward #souls #revival #spiritualawakening #thebestisyettocome #keepmovingforward #Rejoice #Joy #love