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TITLE: If You Want Joy - Be Careful What You Are Looking At

I will not look with approval on anything that is vile. I hate what faithless people do; I will have no part in it. Psalm 101:3

Yesterday, it was a full day of the presence of JESUS! From before, during and after Church Service, 8 people prayed to trust in JESUS! We were also able to pray with 2 precious young people at the Hospital for healing. While I was driving in for Church, GOD put on my heart a woman who was walking close by the Church. I started talking with her and she gave her life to JESUS! GOD has such amazing plans for her life. When our eyes are focused on JESUS and souls, it keeps us from distractions that would try to take us down! All praise to JESUS!

What are you looking at? What seems to hold your attention? Are you looking at The WORD and what GOD can do? Or, are you looking at lustful desires and failures from the past? Are you looking for people who need JESUS? Or, have you been sidelined because of watching too much entertainment or sports?


Make a definite decision to keep your eyes pure, clean and healthy! Look at The WORD! Look at what JESUS can do! Look at who you are in CHRIST! Look what The WORD says about every situation! Look at GODly people! Keep your eyes from looking at evil and too much entertainment. My friend, this is an extremely urgent time. It’s time to get focused and ready for what JESUS has called you to do!

Have a great day and GOD bless you!