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Title: I’m Not Moved, But I’m Used To Move

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. Psalm 125:1

Yesterday was such a Miraculous day at LoveLight Church. We had a powerful Service and throughout the day 3 people prayed to give their lives to JESUS! Before the Service, there was a miraculous Testimony! About a year ago, I had stopped by the Church to pick up something for an Event in Massachusetts. I heard someone right outside the Church building. I met a man who was going through one of the most challenging times in his life. He was addicted to drugs, in the streets, and the enemy was trying to take his life. However, I talked with him and he prayed to give his life to JESUS! About a year later (as I met him yesterday), he looked like a completely new man! I prayed with him to give everything to JESUS! GOD has big plans for him!

Are you allowing people and situations to move you? Or, are you being used by GOD to move people to JESUS? Are you being moved by what you see and hear in the news? Or, are you allowing the WORD of GOD to flow through you to change people and situations? There is a BIG difference!


Make a decision today to not be moved by anyone or anything other than the The WORD of GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT! How does this happen? By living a life of prayer and staying in the WORD of GOD! This is a critical season to be able to hear JESUS clearly for yourself. Turn off distractions. Stop wasting time looking at what everyone else is doing. Read, meditate, pray, and speak what the WORD says! JESUS can use you to move people to JESUS!

Have a great day and GOD bless you!